

教師簡介 著作 計畫 學術榮譽
鄭皓帆老師 姓  名: 鄭皓帆  老師
職  稱: 助理教授
授課領域: 智慧商務、網路行銷、大數據分析、資訊科技應用、知識管理、研究方法、組織行為學
研究領域: 科技管理、資訊管理、創新管理、資訊系統、電子商務、行銷、組織行為與理論
E - Mail : h.chumg@ncut.edu.tw
分  機: ext.7783
  英國羅浮堡大學 商學院資訊管理博士
PhD from Loughborough University (United Kingdom) Major in School of Business and Economics, Centre for Information Management



  1. Chumg, H.F. (鄭皓帆), Shih, S.P., Hung, I.H., Tsao, W.C., & Chen, J.L. (2024). How behaviour in terms of pluralistic ignorance affects social commerce intentions. Online Information Review, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (SSCI, Impact Factor: 3.1, ranked 40 among 84 information science & liberary science (Q2) by JCR in 2022) (First Author)
  2. Chumg, H.F. (鄭皓帆), Shi, J.W., Chiang, H.Y., & Ho, M.T. (2022). What drives working habits for sharing knowledge in virtual teams? An organisational embeddedness perspective. Sage Open, 12(1), 1-16. (SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.032, ranked 53 among 111 social science and interdisciplinary (Q2) by JCR in 2020) (First Author)
  3. Chumg, H.F.* (鄭皓帆), & Huang, C.J. (2021). Investigating the relationships between cultural embeddedness, happiness and knowledge management practices in an inter-organisational virtual team. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 512288 (SSCI, Impact Factor: 4.232, ranked 35 among 147 psychology and multidiscipline (Q1) by JCR in 2021) (First Author & *Corresponding Author)
  4. Chumg, H.F. (鄭皓帆), Shi, J.W., & Sun K.J (2020). Why employees contribute to pro-environmental behaviour: The role of pluralistic ignorance in Chinese society. Sustainability, 12(1), 239. (SSCI & SCI, Impact Factor: 3.889, ranked 57 among 127 environmental studies (Q2) and ranked 120 among 265 environmental sciences (Q2) by JCR in 2021) (First Author)
  5. Chumg, H.F. * (鄭皓帆), Seaton, J., Cooke, L., & Ding, W.Y. (2016). Factors affecting employees’ knowledge-sharing behaviour in the virtual organisation from the perspectives of well-being and organisational behaviour. Computers in Human Behavior, 64, 432-448. (SSCI, Impact Factor: 5.003, ranked 3* on the Association of Business School (ABS) list 2020 and ranked 12 among 138 psychology and multidiscipline (Q1) & ranked 4/87 among Psychology/Experimental (Q1) reported by JCR in 2019) (First Author & *Corresponding Author)
  6. Chumg, H.F.* (鄭皓帆), Cooke, L., Fry, J., & Hung, I.H. (2015). Factors affecting knowledge sharing in the virtual organisation: Employees' sense of well-being as a mediating effect. Computers in Human Behavior, 44, 70-80. (SSCI, Impact Factor: 5.003, ranked 3* on the Association of Business School (ABS) list 2019 and ranked 12 among 138 psychology and multidiscipline (Q1) & ranked 4/87 among Psychology/Experimental (Q1) reported by JCR in 2019) (First Author & *Corresponding Author)


  1. Wei, M. Chumg, H.F. (鄭皓帆), Li. D & Li, X. (2020). The current situation and a review of Chinese library and information science from the perspective of the teaching system. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 31(1), 25-47. (ISSN: 0748-5786)
  2. 2.Sun, S.Y., Wu, C.Y., Teresa L. Ju, Chumg, H.F. (鄭皓帆) & Kuo, W.T. (2012). Developing the innovative research model of internet banking customers' loyalty. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 11(3), 308-324. (ISSN: 1471-8197)
  3. Sun, S.Y., Teresa L.J., Chumg, H.F. (鄭皓帆) & Wu, C.Y. (2009). Influence on willingness of virtual community’s knowledge sharing: Based on social capital theory and habitual domain. International Journal of Business, Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, 3, 136-143. (ISSN: 2326-9561)


  1. Chang, Chen-Cheng, Chumg, H.F. & Tsao, Wen-Chin (2022). Factors affecting m-learning continuance – From the perspectives of flow theory and stimulus-organism-response theory. 23st European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM (ISSN: 2048-0968).
  2. Chumg, H.F. , Shi, J.W. (2020). Chinese people seeking Wuhan coronavirus health information: Distinguishing the private and public websites. 21st European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM (Abstract-accepted, ISSN: 2048-0968).
  3. Chumg, H.F. , Cao, L., Cooke, L. & Seaton, J. (2019). Knowledge Sharing Behaviour Among Academics in Chinese Universities. 20th European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM (ISSN: 2048-0968) (English Presentation)
  4. Chumg, H.F. , Sun, K.J., Song, Q.M., Sang, W.W. (2019). Factors affecting employees’ pro-environmental behaviour: The role of Guanxi in Chinese society. 7th International Conference on Sustainable Development, ICSD (ISSN: 1923-6670) (English Presentation)
  5. Chumg, H.F. , Cooke, L. & Seaton, J. (2015). Factors affecting employees’ knowledge-sharing behaviour in the virtual organisation. 16th European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM (ISSN: 2048-0968) (English Presentation)
  6. Sun, S.Y., Wu, C.Y. & Chumg, H.F. (2010). A Study on Trust Dynamics Influencing Knowledge Sharing in Organization. International Conference on Information Management, ICIM.
  7. Teresa L.J. & Chumg, H.F. (2010). Validating a knowledge management model of organizational competitiveness. Technology Innovation and Industrial Management, TIIM (ISSN: 1906-7631)
  8. Teresa L.J., Chumg, H.F. & Chu, Y.H. (2007). Factors that affect user intention toward E-learning system - Integrating information quality, system quality and habitual domain with TAM, International Association for Development of the Information Society, IADIS. (ISBN: 978-972-8924-34-8) (English Presentation)


  1. Chumg, H.F. (2008) Access 2007資料庫理論與實務,出版社: 藍海文化 (ISBN: 9789868417892)


  1. 2023-2024 國家科學及技術委員會【專題研究計畫】構建虛擬團隊成員知識分享的行為模型研究—從多層次視角(核定金額:台幣65萬元)( 112-2410-H-167 -005 -)


  1. 經濟部產業人才能力鑑定(iPAS)對學生職涯發展重要性及企業銜接探討(豪峰科技股份有限公司,2022.9-2023.9)
  2. 企業虛擬團隊知識管理機制探索(鼎鳴科技股份有限公, 2022.9-2023.9)
  3. 國立勤益科技大學與企業研發合作申請專利研究(玟揚精密工業股份有限公司,2022.9-2023.9)
  4. 中小企業電子化深化服務團計畫(2009) (整合建置企業資源規劃系統與電子化供應鏈管理系統,獲得經濟部中小企業處106萬元台幣補助)


  1. 數位科技融合英語學習過程之探討 碩士論文 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生: 陳昭榮, 2023)
  2. 國際遊客對綠色旅遊意圖度的影響因素—以泰國為例數位科技融合英語學習過程之探討 碩士論文 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生: 亮榮, 2023)<
  3. 越南 Z 世代在 TikTok 社交媒體上的購物行為 碩士論文 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生: 吳氏福, 2023)
  4. 以心流體驗及S-O-R理論角度探討影響行動學習持續性之因素 碩士論文 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生: 張宸澄, 2023)
  5. 基於計劃行為模型(TPB)理論探討彭里普蘭村影響疫後重訪意向的關鍵因素 碩士論文 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生: 艾文哲, 2023)
  6. 後疫情下員工離職意向探索—從幸福感觀點與環境心理學視角 碩士論文 (指導老師:林佩芬/鄭皓帆 ,學生: 范烙詅, 2023))
  7. COVID-19 流行期間影響消費者網路購物關鍵因素之探討 — 以3C產品為例 碩士論文 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生: 舒建維, 2022)
  8. 探析網紅自有品牌行銷發展之研究:以MAЯƧ品牌為例 碩士論文 (指導老師: 曹文琴/鄭皓帆,學生: 丘德威, 2022)
  9. 廟宇在新冠病毒疫情影響下的困境與轉型研究-以台中市大里區媽祖信仰為例 碩士論文 (指導老師:曹文琴/鄭皓帆,學生: 段中仁, 2022)
  10. 在Shopee電子商務網站購物行為的因素 碩士論文 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:黎香璃, 2022)
  11. 探索社交商務網站購物意願動機 碩士論文(指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生: HOÀNG THỊ TỈNH, 2022)
  12. 綠色供應鏈管理驅動因素與綠色實務績效之關係研究(指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:葉瑤, 2018)
  13. 綠色供應鏈中企業員工知識共用行為研究(指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:周則康, 2018)
  14. 基於交易成本的供應鏈協同運作之管理架構設計(指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:張亞萍, 2018)
  15. 體制壓力、企業綠色資源、綠色供應鏈管理與績效關聯研究(指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:孫飛飛, 2018)
  16. 企業實施綠色供應鏈管理之關鍵因素(指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:竇萬玉, 2018)
  17. 企業組織結構與環保衝擊 - 對進行綠色供應商整合之影響 - (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:李興穎, 2018)
  18. 以技術擴散觀點探討綠色供應鏈導入模式 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:龔婷婷, 2018)
  19. 以全面品質環境管理為仲介變項的綠色供應鏈管理與組織績效提升策略設計 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:康詩然, 2018)
  20. 綠色供應鏈管理對組織採購行為意圖之影響 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:吳夢雅, 2017)
  21. 供應商之物流質量對顧客品質關係之影響 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:宋煜, 2017)
  22. 物流雲端科技系統功能發展與顧客服務價值認識之研究 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:張錚錚, 2017)
  23. 綠色物流商品的消費者行為分析 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:張惠, 2017)
  24. 物流企業組織學習與知識管理意願分析--以順豐為例 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:周洪波, 2017)
  25. 影響企業導入綠色供應鏈管理系統的研究 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:陳立偉, 2017)
  26. 供應商之物流質量對顧客關係品質之影響 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:陳雅芸, 2017)
  27. 網購環境下高校校園快遞物流需求分析 (指導老師:鄭皓帆,學生:殷敏, 2017)


  1. 探索新冠疫情對旅遊觀光產業影響(2022)
  2. 探索影響移動(裝置)學習在高等教育因素(2022)
  3. 夜間女性返家安全APP智慧手機應用程式(2021)


  1. (台灣)國立勤益科技大學研究發展績優【學術論文獎】(2022)
  2. (台灣)國立勤益科技大學研究發展績優【學術論文獎】(2021) 。
  3. (中國)南京信息科技大學【傑出人才基金】(2018R091) (10萬人民幣)(2022)
  4. 大學生創新創業獲得(江蘇)省級與校級獎項(2018-2019)。
  5. 指導學生畢業生最佳論文獎(2017)。
  6. 江蘇省哲學與社會科學基金(2017, 2017SJB1640)。


  1. 微軟系統工程師(Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, MCSE)
  2. 微軟系統管理師(Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator, MCSA)
  3. 微軟系統專家(Microsoft Certified Professional, MCP)
  4. 紅帽認證工程師(Red Hat Certified Engineer, RHCE)
  5. 微軟資訊安全系統工程師(Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer Security, MCSE on Security)
  6. 甲骨文認證專員(Oracle Certified Associate, OCA)
  7. 甲骨文認證專家(Oracle Certified Associate, OCP)
  8. 微軟認證技術專家(Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist, MCTS-MS-SQL)
  9. 昇陽認證Java程式設計師(Sun Certified Java Programmer, SCJP)
  10. iPAS營運智慧分析師